18 days until the big Walk

Well kiddos, I just finished my last training walk this weekend. Between Saturday and Sunday I walked a grand total of 40 miles and I think I'm ready for the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in San Diego. I've joined with a team called the Brentwood Babes and Beaus for the Preservation of Boobies. This is a fantastic group of women and men who have really helped me get through the training as well as organized a lot of the logistics in terms of the trains, hotel, registration, etc. I'm confident that I will be able to do the walk: no (new) blisters and my legs feels good. I'm definitely stiff after 40 miles, but nothing I can't handle.
Thanks again to EVERYONE who donated money for my walk. It means a great deal to me to know that I have your support. With your help I've raised $2,450.01 for breast cancer research! I'll let you know how everything goes when I finish the walk on October 14-16.
Those are some nice blisters you've got there! And your team name made me giggle. :) Congratulations for raising so much money; you're going to have a great walk!
You can thank me later for the final penny on your fundraiser balance.
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