3 Month Update
On my birthday Holly turned 3 months old. Wow! Is it bad that my first reaction is not "I can't believe she's getting so big" and instead is "I can't believe my maternity leave is almost over"? Seriously, I'm digging the leave. I've got lots of little updates but nothing that warrants a dedicated blog entry so I'll just do this stream of consciousness-style with lots of cute pictures interspersed.

I just bought two kid albums and I love them both. If you're geeky like me I highly recommend going out and getting them. Honestly I think the parents will get more out of them than the kids! "Here Comes Science" is a catchy album with hard core science lessons, everything from DNA to photosynthesis. And who doesn't like BNL with lyrics like, "Raisins come from grapes, humans come from apes. I come from Canada!"
They Might Be Giants - Here Comes Science
Barenaked Ladies - Snacktime
I've gotten a lot of support about the elimination diet I've been on and I wanted to thank you all for the well wishes. We were in San Diego last weekend and I was worried because we hadn't definitively pinpointed what the other allergen(s) is apart from dairy. For the week prior I cut out wheat, soy, nuts, and eggs things looked really good: no blood, diaper rash cleared up, and she even started having fewer poopy diapers each day. On the trip I tried to be as good as possible while eating out and luckily we had no issues. I started to think that maybe her allergy wasn't very severe and that she might be tolerant of small amounts in my diet, but then today she was right back to obviously blood streaked stool. *sigh* The good thing is that she's not loosing weight and is otherwise healthy/happy so it's not a serious medical issue we're dealing with. Still, I'm determined to get to the bottom of this.

We can't tell if Holly looks more like mom or more like dad. Right now she looks like herself and that is perfectly wonderful. I did do a comparison shot to my baby picture at the same age and I think there are some resemblances....

She just keeps getting more and more fun! Gone are the days of sleepy infancy. We are solidly into wide-eyed, stick-things-in-my-mouth-and-drool-all-over-them territory. We're been reading lots of stories and she loves the rhymes and pretty colors on the pages. Buy mostly she loves her daddy.

Head control is a wonderful thing.

I've been Netflix'ing this awesome show called Lost; maybe you've heard of it? This plane crashes on a tropical island and all this weird stuff starts happening and....
...well better late than never, right?

Why has our monkey turned into a terrible sleeper? She used to be the baby we couldn't seem to wake up when it was chow time and now it's impossible to get her to nap unless she's in the car or on a walk. Now that I've only got a month left before my maternity leave it up we're trying to be better about enforcing naptimes in her crib but it's been very challenging. 30 minutes is about as much as we can ask for before she wakes up, usually whiny and gassy. At night she used to sleep 6-7 hours at a stretch but lately she seems to wake up every 2-3 hours, and it's much more difficult to get her to settle down. We're hoping it's a phase but maybe it's just our payback for having such an easy time when she was first born.

Viva la crazy atom looking toy thingy!

The new messed up sleep schedule is usually due to the 3,6,9,12 rule. 3,6,9,12 days old. 3,6,9,12 weeks old. 3,6,9 12 months. As she goes through growth spurts at those approximate times (she is 3 months), she will need to wake up for extra feedings for a few days or more until she has increased her milk volume (from breast or bottle) then she should settle back down. I bet she'll return to sleepin good in no time! xoxo erin
At least someone loves Steve :) She looks so precious when she sleeps -- whenever that is. Wow, three months has flown by!
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