Reflections on the First Week

I literally cannot believe it's been a whole week since our little girl was born. Everyone said we'd enter a time warp but it's hard to appreciate what that means until it happens to you. (Case in point; I've been trying to finish this post for the last 3 days). Fortunately the week has gone by blissfully. I wanted to write a nice coherent post about our time at home but that kinda fell apart so instead you get brief vignettes of the activities in between time spent staring at Frau Cheeks. Here are some excerpts from the latest batch of ridiculous cuteness. You can see more photos here on our Flickr album.

We had a very surreal experience on the morning of our discharge day. Our nurse came into the room, rather embarrassed, and asked if we would be willing to participate in a national breast cancer video that was being filmed that day. There were film crews at 12 hospitals around the country to record us performing the "Pink Glove Dance". I'm not kidding, it was choreographed and everything. I sat in a rocking chair with Holly next to another proud father with his new daughter, and the nurses danced all around us. They said it will be up on YouTube in September and that they'll give us a DVD of the performance as well. I'll let you know when the link is available.

A lot of people have been asking how Molly is handling the new addition to the family. I think she's vaguely aware that there is something new in the house and that it's not going away, but really she's been rather disinterested in the squirming bundle. Honestly I think that's the best possible situation.

Steve's parents came out from California to visit with their newest granddaughter. It was great to have them here helping out around the house, cooking fantastic meals, and providing advice to the newbie parents.

On Saturday night Bandimere speedway held their annual fireworks show. Normally the speedway is a noisy nuisance, but once a year it's fun to enjoy fireworks from the comfort of our deck. The show was great and Holly slept through the whole thing with barely a twitch at the large BOOMS.

Holly got her first bath a couple of nights ago. I realized very quickly I know NOTHING about bathing an infant. I literally had to run upstairs to consult our Baby 411 book for the "How to Bathe Your Infant" sidebar. Luckily grandma was there to help out and give me encouragement through the process; also a shout out to the Allens for the bath water thermometer! Somehow mom and baby made it through the ordeal but not without a lot of tears.

Viva los cheeks!

Yeah! I love it! We have the SAME bathtub. Love it. Bathing gets easier and Luke loves bath time now. You are a natural. I'm so proud of you and you all look fantastic. It's amazing how much you can love someone. Call me when you get a free moment. Good luck and we are so thrilled for you!!
Frau Cheeks is the cutest faux niece ever! We love her and are so glad you guys are such pros at the whole parenting thing already. Love Auntie Kara and Uncle Brian
She's beautiful! Cheeks and all! I'm so happy for you guys. Hope to see her in person soon. BTW, my kids had chipmunk cheeks and I thought they were adorable! Linda
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