Biker Chick
Finally, I've discovered a way to handicap Steve on a bike: hitch him up to a chariot! Now look, I don't really want to to handicap him, I just want to have a fighting chance at keeping up. Ever since he trained for the Triple Bypass and I spent the next season knocked up he's been way out of my league. I realize that this will only make him stronger in the end. Guess I better start my own training for the Copper Triangle

We took advantage of some mild weather to test out Chariot with the bike attachment. What a blast! We strapped Holly into the 5-point harness and gave her her crazy-atom-toy to play with, and she merrily sang the whole way.

(Pretend that's a helmet.)

It was a great success and Steve and I got so fired up for the fun we're going to have this summer riding around on Denver's miles of bike trails.